Welcome to the official site of the

Bring Back Boredom Movement

The Bring Back Boredom Movement is a dada rebellion against the nonstop circus of entertainment and mindless distractions. It’s about reclaiming those precious moments of nothingness, letting our minds wander, and rediscovering the lost art of daydreaming.

If you're tired of being a slave to constant stimulation, join the movement and tell the world.

“Bring Back Boredom is the only movement that requires no movement at all”
- Isaac Newton (Sir)

How to be bored

2. Get rid of your phone by following our manual: 

3. Wait in a long queue:
Visit a place where people usually queue for a very long time, like post offices or dark-Berlin-techno-sex-dungeons.  

17. Complete administrative work: Go to a government office and fill out every form they have. Once you are done, invent new personalities and start again. 

5. Watch paint dry: Find a painter near you and ask them if you can stand there and watch them paint. If they say no, tell them you are an Art Student seeking inspiration in a colourless world.


  • Bench, S., & Lench, H. (2013). On the Function of Boredom. Behavioral Sciences, 3(3), 459–472. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs3030459 
  • John D. Eastwook & James Danckert - Out of my Skull: The Psychology of Boredom
  • Neil Postmann - Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business
  • Mann, S., & Cadman, R. (2014). Does Being Bored Make Us More Creative? Creativity Research Journal, 26(2), 165–173. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2014.901073


(yes, we have a gmail account)